
Who can join?

  • You must be a member of Swansea University Student Union (SUSU) to be able to join the society.

How much is it?

  • Membership for the 2006-2007 academic year is £5. This includes the Summer Holidays.

What do I get?

  • Blog - Use our custom blog hosting system to publish your own blog.
  • Bulletin Board System - Our online notice board, where society and other issues are discussed, and where users can request information and help.
  • Members CD-ROM - Containing handy bits of software and links to help you get the most out of SUCS and Computer Science.
  • Computer room with 24 hour access.
  • DVD+RW/CDRW - Burn downloaded software or backup your personal files onto DVD or CD.
  • E-mail address - Your own choice of username and therefore email address.
  • Extra disk space - It is possible to access your society disk space from the majority of campus computers, as well as over the internet using Web Folders, any WebDAV client, FTP or SFTP.
  • Games Server - Use our new, campus network-based games server to play Counter-Strike: Source, UT2004 and more.
  • Laptop internet hookup from our room, using the campus high speed connection.
  • Library - Borrow a textbook or two to brush up on your technical knowledge (We have many of the CS recommended texts).
  • Printers - Make use of our free (for reasonable use) laser printer.
  • Program Advisory - Computer Science students can get some help with their programming tasks.
  • Shell account - Access our server using SSH.
  • Subversion repository - Especially useful for 2nd years working on their group projects.
  • Trac project management - Uses this powerful system to manage your group projects.
  • Webmail - Access your email from anywhere with a web browser.
  • Website hosting - You can put up your own web pages for the world to see. PHP and PostgreSQL are available.

How do I join?

In person

You can join in person by visiting The Room and catching a member of admin.

The Room is located on the ground floor of the Student Union Building. The door to the room is half way along the side which faces towards Fulton House. There are usually helpful people in the room around lunchtime/early afternoon.


Alternatively, fill in the form below and a member of admin will get in touch with you:


  1. Please note that you must have a Swansea University student card and number to become a member of SUCS.
  2. We regret that we cannot allow anyone who is not a member of Swansea University Student Union to become a member.
Page last modified on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 23:17:27 +0000