
Past Execs

This is the hall of fame for members of the elected executive.

The society was founded in the summer of 1988.

Year President Treasurer Secretary Publicity
2007 saya (Kat Meyrick) loki (Kristian Knevitt) Elsmorian (Chris Elsmore) frosty (James Frost)
2006 frosty (James Frost) welshbyte (Andrew Price) talyn256 (Sean Handley) Elsmorian (Chris Elsmore)
2005 welshbyte (Andrew Price) stringfellow (Stephen Pike) davea (Dave Arter) wedge (William Blackstock)
2004 rollercow (Chris Jones) pwb (Peter Berry) vortex (Toby Talbot) zulu (Fernando Loizides)
2003 DHilton (Dan Hilton) cj (Chris Jessop) ct (Chris Turner) aggie (Jon Agland)
2002 Smerf (Richard Hardy) TheRaven (David Chisnall) Doug (Doug Gore) None
2001 Sits (Sitsofe Wheeler) TheRaven (David Chisnall) Sonic (David Chester) DaveB (David Brooks)
2000-2001 Sits (Sitsofe Wheeler) Paul (Paul Adams) cmckenna (Chris McKenna) Jo (Jo Gooch)
1999-2000 FireFury (Steve Hill) Rhys (Rhys Jones) &
Paul (Paul Adams)
Fry (Chris Fry) None
1998-1999 Dez (Denis Walker) Rhys (Rhys Jones) FireFury (Steve Hill) None
1997-1998 Dez (Denis Walker) Rhys (Rhys Jones) None None
1996-1997 Ramps (Brian Coplin) Zute (Matthew Suter)
None None
1995-1996     Rohan (Steven Whitehouse) None
1994-1995   Xadraek (Lee Stephens) Rohan (Steven Whitehouse) None
1993-1994 Nympho (Mike Evans) Milamber (Andrew Hogg) Rohan (Steven Whitehouse) None
1992-1993 Mocelet (Richard Bytheway)   Gerbil (Debbie Gwynne) None
1991-1992 Arthur (Justin Mitchell) Michele Poole Adrian Bateman None
1990-1991 Pete Barber alexw (Alex Williams) Cariad (Paul Rees) None
1989-1990 Andy Parkman alexw (Alex Williams) caederus (Robin O'Leary) None
1988-1989 Andy Parkman alexw (Alex Williams) caederus (Robin O'Leary) None

In 2001, the elections were moved so that the committee now stays in position for one calendar year.

Page last modified by dez on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 20:22:58 +0000