
Donations Policy

  1. All donations to the society are final, and non-returnable. Any equipment loaned to the society must have the terms of the loan (e.g. time period and/or conditions of fair use) laid out clearly before the loan is accepted.
  2. The society shall not feel obligated to reimburse a donator in any way. Donations should be given freely for the benefit of the society and its members, not for personal gain.
  3. Only equipment that has a direct and immediate use, or a clearly defined planned near-future use, shall be accepted. We simply do not have the storage capacity to collect items that 'may be useful someday'.
  4. A clear log shall be kept of who, what and when equipment was donated, and kept in a prominent place so as to honour our benefactors.
  5. The Society can not be held responsible for the safe keeping of any items loaned or otherwise to it. Whilst every effort will be maintained to protect it, any subsequent damage or theft is entirely at your own risk.
  6. The Society retains the right to return or dispose of any item that threatens, or is believed to threaten the safety rules laid down by the Student Union and the University.
  7. The Society may use, or dispose of donated equipment (non-loan items) in any manner that benefits the society, this includes potentially selling items in order to raise funds to purchase more directly useful items, or donating or swapping equipment with others for good will and favour towards the society.

Donated Equipment List

This list is incomplete
Arthur Sept 99 Loan Deskjet 540 colour printer
Zaphod & Spook 2000 Loan Sun Workstations
Anarchy 2000 Loan Motherboard, CPU, and RAM for Platinum
Milamber 2001 Loan Brother Mono Laser Printer.
Weazel Sep 2002 Loan 120Gb IDE Hard disk for Silver
Rohan Jan 2003 Donated PII 350MHz machine to be used as Cobalt
Dual CPU machine
Empty 1U Rack Case
Anarchy Feb 2003 Donated 17" Dell Monitor for Cobalt
Anarchy & Dick Feb 2003 Donated Profits from 2002 BT lecture, presented as components to build 2 new workstations
Anarchy Dec 2003 Loan Pentium to replace the router, a Cyrix machine for workstation
jk June 2005 Donated PIII 1GHz + Board + Memory, used to create thorium
aeternus Nov 2005 Donated 19" monitor. Used to replace platinum's old small one
Rohan Nov 2005 Donated Dual PIII 1GHz machine with SCSI disk
2 other boxes (expand on this..)
EMC via Rohan Nov 2005 Donated PIII 800MHz 1U box with 4x80GB disks
gimbo Feb 2006 Donated 17" monitor. Used to replace zinc's old one.
mattaw Sep 2006 Donated Athlon PC
Summer 2006
Another Dual PII 1GHz machine with SCSI disk
Page last modified on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 16:23:58 +0100