SUCS Membership Getting to know other SUCS members The Room Tools Problems

SUCS Membership

I missed you at Freshers' Fayre and enrolment, how do I join?
Use the online form at the bottom of the Joining page or come to the room.
Why should I join SUCS?
There is more information about joining SUCS and the benefits of joining on the Joining page.

Members CD

What is on the Members CD?
You will find programs that will allow you to interact with SUCS services such as: Putty so you can talk on Milliways; Thunderbird for your e-mail; and Armagetron to play over the gameserver.
How do I install the CD contents?
When you insert the CD a web interface should automatically pop-up with instructions to follow, or you can browse the CD and install what you want manually.
I didn't receive a CD when I signed up where can I get one?
We might have some left so ask one of the exec

Storage Space

What can I use my SUCS space for?
Storing files and hosting a personal website or files.
What can't I use my SUCS space for?
Storing and sharing illegal or copyrighted material such as mp3s and video files.
How do I access my files from home?
There are a couple of ways you can access your SUCS files from home. One of the easiest ways is to use a system called WebDAV. This allows you to access your files as though you were looking through folders on your own computer. Check out the WebDAV page of the help wiki for more information. You can also log into your SUCS account using SSH, which allows you to access your files from a command line. This is somewhat more technical, but it's a good thing to know how to do. Visit the remote login page on the help wiki for more information.
Where is my web space?
Your public_html folder in your home directory is where you can put files for online viewing. You can also see them at this address: http://www.sucs.org/~username
How can I make a website?
If you are new to HTML and CSS then W3Schools has a lot of tutorials that would be useful. Anything you want to be viewed online should be stored in your public_html folder. You can access this on the SUCS machines and using a program such as WinSCP (see the Members CD) or webDAV. Creating an index.html page would be a good place to start though :).
How do I set up a SUCS blog?
You can go and start your own blog here.

Getting to know other SUCS members

How can I get to know other SUCS members?
You can talk to them on Milliways, through the forum, join in a game on the gameserver or come to the socials :).


How do I use Milliways?
The How To for Milliways is here or you can use the Java version on the website which come sup when you click the "Use Milliways Now" at the bottom of this page.
How do I get colours and other Milliways scripts?
There is a How To for this in the Help section here.
I'm using Putty I keep pasting when I right click, how can I fix this?
Open Putty and go to the Selection category under Window. You need to change the 'Control use of mouse' to 'Middle extends, Right brings up menu'. This way you still copy something from Milliways buy selecting it only. It is best to create a saved session for Milliways if you have not already, to save you doing this each time you log in.
How do I see special characters?
Have a look at the How To here.


What games can I play on the SUCS gameserver?
Have a look at the Games page.
I don't have some of these games, where can I find them?
Some might be available on your Members CD, otherwise you might have to buy them or download them yourself. Some should be on the computers in the SUCS room, so if you are playing from the SUCS room just have a look on the computer you are using. Check out each game's page for information on obtaining it.
How do I join a game?
First go to the Games page and log in, then leave the browser window open and start up the game normally. You need to look at the individual page for each game to get the connection information. These are available from the Games page.
I want to play [some game not available], how can I?
There may be a reason why this is not available, why not ask or make a suggestion for a game on the forum?


When are the socials?
Every week on Friday from 1pm until people leave :).
Where are the socials?
The non Smoking section of JC's bar in Fulton House.
What do you do at the socials?
We just hang out really and chat. It is more of a way to get to know everyone and relax after a hard week of study ;).
Will there be other social events?
Yes there will. Keep an eye on your SUCS mail, the forums or even Milliways for more details. Also, at the end of the year after exams there is the annual beach party.

The Room

Where is the room exactly
The room is located on the ground floor of the SU building. See this page for more details.
How do I get into the room?
If you are a student with the old magnetic strip student card, then you swipe your student card in the card reader next to the door, wait for a few seconds and the door will unlock. The monitor by the window shows you the status of the card reader. If you are a first year student or a student with one of the new cards (without a magnetic strip) and you have another card, that is not a bank card, with a magnetic strip on it bring it along to the and someone should be able to add that card to the system for you to use instead.
Are there any rules for using the room?
Yes. You can read them here or on the notice board in the room.
What can I do in the room?
You can: use the computers; print documents; burn CDs; use the scanner; take books out from the library; and bring your own computer and and hook it up to GuestNET.
How do I connect to GuestNET?
Take a look at the GuestNET How To page in the Help section here.


How do I change my password?
If you are using one of the SUCS machines, open up a terminal and type in the command passwd and follow the instructions. You can also do this from home if you SSH into SUCS.
What operating system is running on the computers in the room?
Fedora Core 5. You can find out more about this here.
I am a Windows user and have never used Linux before, what do I do?
Do not worry, it's not complicated. There is a Windows to Linux guide in the Help section here to get you started.
Why Linux?
It's free and Windows is available on all other computers on campus. It is useful if you are a first year Computer Science student and want to get a head start for the second year.


Is there a limit to how much printing I can do?
Within reason, no. However, your usage might be questioned if you regularly print off vast quantities in one go.
My document was written in MS Word, how can I view it on the SUCS computers?
OpenOffice.org Writer is able to import and export Microsoft Word documents, although you should be aware that some formatting information may be lost along the way.
I am connected to GuestNET, how do I print from my own computer?
Check out the How To in the Help section here to see how to set up your computer for printing.

Burning CDs

How do I burn CDs?
There is a guide in the Help section here LINK
Which computers in the SUCS room have CD burners in?
Americium, Uranium and Thorium. Thorium is a slower burner though, so you might want to try the others first if you can.
Where can I get CDs from?
SUCS usually has a small amount on sale in the SUCS room, but if not you should be able to buy some from the Level 2 shop in the SU building.


How do I use the scanner?
Uh... next question?


What books are in the library?
There are a variety of computing related books, including some computer science course texts. For a full list, see our Library page
I'm doing Computer Science, which of these are recommended course text?
Your lecturer should give you a reccomended reading list at the beginning of your course so you can check the library for them then.
How do I take a book out from the library?
You should be able to catch a member of our admin team in the SUCS Room around lunchtime on weekdays, who will be able to find the book you're after.


What tools are available on the SUCS site?
See the Tools page. You will only be able to use these tools once you have logged in.
How do I use [tool]?
Have a look at the Tools page or the individual page for the tool for more information.

SUCS mail

How do I check my SUCS mail?
You can use Web Mail through the website, configure your e-mail client for your SUCS e-mail address or forward all your SUCS mail to another e-mail address you use. 
How do I use Web Mail?
Once you have logged into Web Mail there is a help link at the top of the page for a more in depth guide.
How do I set up my client for my SUCS e-mail account?
Please check these How To's: Configuring OS X Mail; Configuring Thunderbird; or check out the Accessing E-mail section on the SUCS Help Pages.
How do I set up e-mail forwarding for my SUCS account with Web Mail?
You need to create a .forward file with the e-mail address you want to forward to in and put it in your home directory.
You can use any text editor to do this. If you are using Notepad though, you need to make sure you are saving as "All Files" first otherwise it automatically appends .txt to the end of the file name.
I keep getting the same e-mail from SUCS to several of my addresses. How do I stop this happening?
Read the instructions at the bottom of the message to unsubscribe one or more of your addresses. You should keep at least one of your addresses subscribed, however.


Something has gone awry with one of the SUCS services, where can I get help?
If it is not answered in this section of the FAQ or in the Help files, e-mail the admin team. If it is not that urgent however, you could put a post in the forum.
Page last modified by saya on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 19:34:00 +0000