Swansea University Computer Society

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  Penguins and such:
    Shortly before the AGM, the Computer Society got a mascot Linux penguin...
    The current committee and next years committee have jointly decided on the
    name "Randy" for this new member. ;)
                                                             FireFury, 19/4/99
  Open Access:
    The SU has asked us to provide some open-access machines for non SUCS
    members to browse the web on.  We are now in the preliminary stages of
    negotiating with the LIS and SU.  With luck we'll be able to provide this
    quickly with little disruption to our members.
                                                             FireFury, 20/4/99
    Up until now, the SLC SPARCstations have defaulted to running clients on
    sucs.  To reduce the load on sucs, I have installed the X-clients on
    great-atuin and the SLCs now default to log into great-atuin.  This
    will affect users who usually use clients on sucs which have not been
    installed on great-atuin.  In this case, use SSH to connect to sucs and
    execute the client from there.  Attempts to run netscape on great-atuin
    will be redirected to sucs until we install Netscape on atuin.
                                                             FireFury, 20/4/99
  AGM Minutes:
    The minutes of the AGM are now up on our noticeboard outside our lab.
    I have also posted them on Milliways and on the website at:
                                                                  Dez, 20/4/99
  Account Termination:
    Please note that accounts for all student members will be suspended after
    September 31st 1999 if they have not already been renewed.  Members will
    be able to renew at Freshers Fair at the cost of 3.00ukp for the year,
    however, if you are unable to renew after the summer (e.g. you are on a
    year in industry, etc.) please contact the committee before or at the
    beach party (provisional date - 5th June 1999) to arrange renewal.
    The committee can be emailed at committee@sucs.swan.ac.uk.
                                                             FireFury, 21/4/99
-- [Finger motd@sucs.swan.ac.uk and status@sucs.swan.ac.uk for more details]--
The minutes of the SUCS AGM can now be found here

Please note that these pages are created by the members of the society and in no way represent the views of the University of Wales, Swansea
If you would like to make any suggestions or contributions to this site, please e-mail webmaster@sucs.swan.ac.uk.
Counter visitors since the 10th October 1997
SUCS is a member of compsoc.org.uk
Last update: 20th April 1999