
What are SUCS Talks?

SUCS Talks are a collection of lightning-fast talks (roughly 10 minutes apiece) given by SUCS members for SUCS members. Anyone is welcome to do a talk! People have spoken about topics as wide-ranging as Lego Mindstorms NXT, Music & DRM, and Power Management in Linux. The talks are a great way to meet people, learn things, and share your knowledge. We've done it once so far, and it was a huge success, so you can bet we'll be doing it again!

When are the next ones?

Next academic year. Watch this space for more details.

Can I take part?

You certainly can! If you want to do a talk at a future SUCS Talks event, either e-mail us at exec [at] sucs [dot] org, or leave a post on the SUCS Forum

How can I watch the videos?

Each talk is available below as both a streaming flash video (you just need flash installed in your web browser and then click play on any of the videos below) or as a high resolution Ogg Theora file. There are many free players available for Ogg Theoras, one of the best being VLC - get it here:


Archive of Previous Talks 

#1 - 2007-03-20: The First Talks

Andy Price (welshbyte) - "Why Pybackpack Sucks"

Andy Price talks about the problems he's found in Pybackpack since he took over its development, and some of the things he is proposing to improve it.

You can download the video using the links below, or get Flash to watch it in your browser.

Length: 13m 57s

Video: 784x576 (Ogg Theora, 72.5MB)
Slides: 2007-03-20-welshbyte-slides.pdf (PDF, 636KB)


James Killick (jk) - "LaTeX"

James Killick presents an introduction to the markup language LaTeX. He shows examples of the language and demonstrates how to construct a simple document.

You can download the video using the links below, or get Flash to watch it in your browser.

Length: 10m 52s

Video: 784x576 (Ogg Theora, 127.3MB)
Slides: 2007-03-20-jk-slides.pdf (PDF, 216KB)


James Frost (frosty) - "Procrastination and That"

James Frost delivers a somewhat unorthodox presentation on procrastination and productivity. What are they, and how do you go from one to the other?

You can download the video using the links below, or get Flash to watch it in your browser.

Length: 12m 21s

Video: 784x576 (Ogg Theora, 111.5MB)
Slides: 2007-03-20-frosty-slides.pdf (PDF, 15.3MB)


Jean van Mourik (jean) - "3D Programming in DarkBASIC"

Jean van Mourik presents some fun and interesting applications he's written with DarkBASIC, from a 3D forest with 3D sound sources, to a graphical demonstration of complex numbers, to a 3D particle physics demonstration.

You can download the video using the links below, or get Flash to watch it in your browser.

Length: 10m 40s

Video: 784x576 (Ogg Theora, 144.7MB)
Example programs used in talk: (Windows only, 4MB)


Sean Handley (talyn256) - "The Wonderful World of NXT"

Sean Handley shows a handful of the endless possibilities available with the new Lego Mindstorms NXT.

You can download the video using the links below, or get Flash to watch it in your browser.

Length: 11m 26s

Video: 784x576 (Ogg Theora, 135.4MB)
Slides: 2007-03-20-talyn256-slides.pdf (PDF, 2.3MB)


Sitsofe Wheeler (sits) - "Power Management on Linux"

Sitsofe Wheeler shares his knowledge of the ins and outs of Linux power management: what works, what doesn't work, and how things are improving.

You can download the video using the links below, or get Flash to watch it in your browser.

Length: 17m 10s

Video: 784x576 (Ogg Theora, 48.8MB)
Slides: 2007-03-20-sits-slides.pdf (PDF, 56KB)


Nicholas Corlett (worldinsideme) - "A Beginner's Guide to UNIX Commands: Part 1"

A look at the basics of using the commandline - creating, moving, reading and deleting files and folders.

You can download the video using the links below, or get Flash to watch it in your browser.

Length: 7m 42s

Video: 392x288 (Ogg Theora, 19MB)


Chris Elsmore (elsmorian) - "Music, Media & DRM"

Chris Elsmore presents a look at the history of music recording, and how it's progressed through the ages.

You can download the video using the links below, or get Flash to watch it in your browser.

Length: 10m 51s

Video: 392x288 (Ogg Theora, 43.4MB)
Slides:2007-03-20-elsmorian-slides.pdf (PDF, 2MB)


Chris Jones (rollercow) - "An Introduction to MythTV"

Chris Jones shows us the magic of MythTV - a system you can use to view and record TV programs, and a lot lot more.

You can download the video using the links below, or get Flash to watch it in your browser.

Length: 21m 17s

Video: 392x288 (Ogg Theora, 95.7MB)
Slides: 2007-03-20-rollercow-slides.pdf (PDF, 108KB)


Page last modified by talyn256 on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 14:37:44 +0100