Depending on the computer you are using, the method of connection varies. On campus, there are two possibilities:
Open Access (eXceed 4)
If you are on an Open Access machine (or any networked computer running
Microsoft Windows), you need to run an X server. There are several
available, but the one on Open Access is eXceed 4.
Before running eXceed, it is advisable to improve the resolution being used on your computer. You will now need the file. If you have a Novell account, log on and map the SUCS/WINAPPS directory to an unassigned drive. is in the root directory of SUCS/WINAPPS. If you don't have a Novell account with SUCS, then you will need to download and save it on your p: drive (right click the link and select Save Link as...).
Once you have done this, double-click the Xsession icon (as shown
above), which can be found in the eXceed group in Program Manager. Select
File, Open... and select from whichever drive/directory is
applicable. Now click the Run! menu to connect to SUCS.
From outside the University
It is possible to use the SUCS X Windows client remotely. You will require
an internet connection and an X11R6 server application capable of single window
mode. There are some available on the internet to download free, but you are
likely to need Windows 95 for the majority of them. Try something like MI/X
or X-WIN. You should configure your X server to connect to
using XDMCP-query mode.
Logging on
Once you have followed the appropriate set of instructions above, the
following window will appear: