Floating in a void...

Alas the AberMUD 1 History site is an incomplete venture; due to the unstructured nature of game development, erratic history of its authors, and the fact that its eventual relevance to the popularity of mudding was not known at the time, several banks of rooms have been lost.

Not all of the voids were proper rooms; some (like room 5, if I remember correctly) were hardwired into the game to perform certain actions; others are possibly caused by hooks for game sections only partially finished, or at least not finished in the revision of the data files to which I have access.

Nonetheless, there are some omissions which I greatly regret not having available; probably most notable of these is the UBIK maze by "White the Creator" (Jim Finnis) which was mostly written whilst said wizard was in a surreal state of drunkenness, visiting Campbell House terminal room, UCL, London.