Kristian Knevitt (loki) is running for treasurer and secretary.
Kristian pointed me at his manifesto which can be found at
Tom Bradley (tobeon) is running for treasurer and publicity.
Tom answered my questions in a post on his blog, which can be found at
Chris Elsmore (elsmorian) is running for president and secretary.
Chris pointed me at his manifesto which can be found at
Kat Meyrick (saya) is running for president.
- Why Should I Vote for you as X?
- What do you think you can bring to this role? / What are your strengths?
- Where do you think the society is at the moment?
- Where do you want to the society to be in a year? / What do you want to achieve?
- How do you think you can make your goals for the society happen?
Only if you want to or feel I'd be right for the position, and not because you feel you have to.
I'm bossy (just ask my sister) so there'll be no slacking/letting others slack when things need to be done.
I didn't want to play the gender card, but I guess it could be said that it would look good for the society to have a girl in a position of influence (I'm not sure if that's the right word...). It shows that gender isn't an issue with the members and might even encourage more girls to join and stick around which could be interesting :) . Although it's slightly ironic...
In state of change. We got a lot of new and different kind of members this year at fresher's from different departments and who are just different to the usual kind of members the soc seemed to attract.
I like to find out how other people think and what ideas they have or what they would like to do, so I would like to try and get people more involved.
It was obvious from this last year that there were a lot of keen people who really could have helped (and did) the society in various things, it's just a shame that communication was lacking (then we could have avoided all the toe treading and disorganisation) :/ Maybe the exec. shouldn't keep everything so close to their chests and share a bit of what's going on with at least the more active and keen members of the society?
So obviously, in a year it would be nifty if the society could be even more social (this year was certainly good in that respect) and receptive to all kinds of people (who obviously share the same or similar interest in computers).
Threatening to break legs if things don't start happening, how else? :P
By finding out what needs to be done to make things happen, and who is capable of making them happen (if I can't) and getting the help to do it. Getting people to work together and improving communication with everyone.
That kind of thing.
- Why Should I Vote for you as X?
- What do you think you can bring to this role? / What are your strengths?
- Where do you think the society is at the moment?
- Where do you want to the society to be in a year? / What do you want to achieve?
- How do you think you can make your goals for the society happen?
For starters, you should vote for me because I really really want to be on the exec again. I've learnt a hell of a lot this year in my role as president, and I think I can work on that and help the society move forward if I continue on the exec. We've done some pretty great things this year, even if some of them did take rather a long time - we've got a new logo, a new website, a new server, and a tonne of new members, amongst other things.
I can bring to the role the experience I've gained from being president this last year. It's not easy being in charge of a society as big and multi-faceted as SUCS - it's not easy to learn and it's not especially easy to do. In either role, I would hope I can can help the new exec avoid mistakes that were made this year, and do things right. Read on for my ideas of what needs doing this year.
The society's in a somewhat strange place, in my opinion. We got a great membership this year - loads of people joined at this year’s Freshers’ Fayre, yet there aren't a huge number of them taking an active part in the society. I'd like to see and hear more from more of our members. After all, we always need fresh blood talent for the exec. The society also faces uncertainty with the possible/imminent relocation of The Room.
I want the society to be settled in its new abode - I've been on the exec when these plans were announced to us, and I want to see them through to the end, hopefully getting the best possible outcome for the society.
I want the society's members to become more involved. I want to organise events - be it guest speakers, outings, or games tournaments (on the games server, at a LAN party or on consoles in a lecture theatre - lots of people signed up to SUCS for this this year, and so far we haven't delivered). The current Publicity Officer has been promising this since Freshers (I have prodded him many-a-time about it), but so far nothing has happened. If I get elected as Publicity Officer next year, I will *make* it happen.
I want to come up with more things that make SUCS something that members need. A lot of the services we offer are these days things that people already have, or can easily obtain elsewhere. We need to work to make ourselves needed.
See above! Liase with estates and the SU to organise our room move and to get us what we need.
Arrange events - talk to the relevant people, and create a lot of publicity and distribute it. We did a great job at freshers this year, and we need to continue things like the throughout the year.
I also want to set up a seperate mailing list for sucs members (for non-vital e-mails), that people automatically get subscribed to when they join (but older members can leave, if they wish) - I want to e-mail members weekly or bi-weekly (as a lot of other societies do), to try and help them feel more involved, let them know what we're up to, and encourage them to come to things. Other than the odd 'election' e-mail, or whathaveyou, most of our members currently don't hear from us once they've joined.
I sent the following message to each of the candidates standing in the election...
"I don't really know some of you, and I don't want to cast an uniformed vote. So, just a quick question, I don't want an essay, just a few sentences... "
"Perhaps you could answer some or all of the following questions for each position for which you are standing. "
- Why Should I Vote for you as X?
- What do you think you can bring to this role? / What are your strengths?
- Where do you think the society is at the moment?
- Where do you want to the society to be in a year? / What do you want to achieve?
- How do you think you can make your goals for the society happen?
The candidates are as follows:
President: Chris Elsmore (elsmorian), Kat Meyrick (saya)
Treasurer: Kristian Knevitt (loki), Tom Bradley (tobeon)
Secretary: Chris Elsmore (elsmorian), James Frost (frosty), Kristian Knevitt (loki)
Publicity Officer: James Frost (frosty), Tom Bradley (tobeon)
Voting opens at 00:00 Monday 4th December and closes at 00:00 Monday 11th December.
Cast your vote at