
To those whom it may concern,

Kristian "Loki" Knevitt has been put forward to run for the Treasurer
 and Secretary positions of the SUCS exec. I would probably say that 
my main strength in this campaign is that i'm a first year, while others
 may point out that this means there is a "lack of experience" within 
SUCS in general, but i think the more important aspect is that i'm new.
 One of the main arguing points for the other candidates (especially for
 presidency) is the need for reform, and surely the fact that a first year 
can express new ideas on the SUCS exec  would be a major advantage
 for wanting a modern and well rounded SUCS committee. This also 
means that the "future generation" of SUCS will have a good starting 
point, unfortunately i must admit that my year has been far from enthusiastic
 in being so called "active members" of SUCS, and while at the moment 
the 2nd/3rd years i have provided a very active part of the society, the 
fact is that in the upcoming years the drop in first year participation will 
leave the future committee and also the future society as a whole in a rather
 precarious predicament. So by voting for me you will not only be voting
 an able exec but ensuring the future of the society...just kidding ;) 
But seriously as well as doing a good job i would hope to represent first 
year opinions within the committee. 
In terms of individual strengths, i think that each member has the skills 
capable of doing a good job, each can put in the effort to do well. but 
if you wanted examples well.. Reliability = I have not missed a lecture
 which although sounding sad may also signify that i wouldn't "shirk" 
my responsibilities, Organisational Skills = I manged to orgainse the 
LANs over the last 3 years Which takes some doing in Cornwall :) although
 this was with the help of an actual computer scientist to help i would hope 
that this shows that i work well with the most difficult of people ;) 
Initiative = I'm the only first year running for an exec committee! But as
 I said i'm sure my counterparts would have these skills, so the real 
question would have to be what is the distinction Between other members:

1) 1st year - Brings a new voice to the committee as well as enabling me to
 speak on behalf of my year, but also gives an opportunity for SUCS to look
 after its own future.
2) Gamer - The Sk1llZ brought about by Uber L33T gaming would 
have to be an advantage, either for the teamwork, patience, and
precision developed through playing certain games.. or the fact 
that i just plain pWn j00 n00bs (that comment refers to non SUCS 
members and in no way should be construed as a derogatory comment
 resulting in a lack of votes for Loki)

3) Law Student - Hopefully the fact that being a non CS student would
 signify that there is a computing interest outside of that course  and 
would possibly mean a greater chance of expansion.

4) being "Loki" - nuff said.

In terms of "where i see the society going" (thanks for that line rollercow).
 Ultimately it is up to the president to decide the future policies for the
 society, so if i was elected i would ultimately be directed by the president,
 but by voting for me it gives a chance to see a future SUCS that you 
would want to see. I know many people out there have said about the
 importance of having more people sign up (and be active) , and in 
terms of my year i would have to agree, but i think there is a danger of 
SUCS losing its soul so to speak, if it were just a way of people playing 
for certain services. In my eyes the point of a society is to provide a 
medium for people with similar interests to meet, it is not just "a room 
to use" but a chance for people to develop their interest in computing.
 And if i were elected these would be the views that i would wish to 
express to the president.

As you know i am nominated for 2 positions, i think i would be a
 worthy asset to either, but Ultimatley is up to you, the voter, thats
 right im talking to you, to decide which position you think i would
 be suited to based on what you know. As for the other candidates
 i wish them luck hope that whatever the new SUCS committee is to
 be then have fun :)


-End of Line-

[ Entry posted at: Wed 06 Dec 2006 10:08:02 GMT | Comments: 0 | Cat: SUCS ]

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