Photographs from Austria are now online. See what a fabulous time was had by all. Keep a space in your diary for late June next year as the Hiking club goes back On Tour - provisionally to Slovenia.
The year is gradually winding to a close :-( It's been another great year! For anyone who's leaving us don't forget to post on the Message Board, sign up to the Alumni Mailing List and add us on Facebook!
Orientbeering was fabulous as usual with a good Barbeque on the beach afterwards. Roll on next year. If you didn't join us then make a note for next year (Wed afternoon, mid May 2008 during the exams).
The Snowdon trip was another successful trip complete with the compulsory ascents of Tryfan and Snowdon, a visit to Caernafon Castle and everyone tested their co-ordination at the climbing wall too
The Committee would like to wish everyone a great summer. Come and find us at Freshers Fair in September
This next week sees the final walk of the year - But it is going out with a bang! The Ystradfellte walk is a wonder one and shows off some of the best of Wales' scenery.
Orientbeering is on Wednesday 16th May. Wander through Clyne Park with just a map and some clues trying to find the beer! This year there will be a BBQ after the event either on the beach or in Clyne to top off a superb event.
We must also regret to inform you that THE NIGHT HIKE HAS BEEN CANCELLED due to forecast bad weather. We are very sorry and disappointed, but we have added the BBQ to Orientbeering instead :-)
Don't forget to sign up for the Sponsored walk from Rhossili to Mumbles this coming Sunday. You are very welcome to come even if you have not managed to collect sponsorship (cost £2.50), or to join us part way and walk with us, but please come and sign up so we know when to expect you. We can also give you an indication of what time to be at Three Cliffs Bay for instance. Good luck with the sponsorship! :)
Panoramic photographs taken in the Lake District and Pyrenees by Chris are now available for viewing. These pictures are absolutely stunning and really show the areas to their full potential.
Other recent uploads include additions to Usk Reservoir, Pembrokeshire, End of Term Drinks, and Rosie and Kush's photos from the Easter Trip (ML, 13/4/07)
The committee would like to wish you all a good Easter break. Please join us for informal end of term drinks in JC's from 7.30 on Friday. We hope you find time over Easter to prepare for the Sponsored Walk (keep Walking and collect Sponsorship) Click here for a Sponsorship form and look forward to seeing you in the new term for our Glamorgan Heritage Coast walk, Evening walk and Barbeque, Snowdonia away trip and the famous Ystradfellte Waterfall Walk
Don't miss the stunning Pembrokeshire Coast and the historic St Davids with its Cathedral. This coastline is one of my personal favourite parts of the UK. The rocky cliffs, waves breaking, secret little coves round every corner, lime kilns and wildlife. Sign up this week in JCs on Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes (12.30-13.30) or send an email if you really can't make sign-up. First come, first served as always on this popular walk Martin
The night hike on Rhossili Down has been rescheduled for this coming Wednesday (7th March) evening. We will be enjoying a nice walk over Rhossili Down before returning to the minibus (and the pub) along the beach.
Distance ~7-8km. Cost: £2.50.
The club has some torches available for borrowing if required. Sign up on Friday lunchtime at 12.30-1.30 in JCs or email one of the committee. Numbers are limited. Hope to see you there.
If anyone has photographs from the walks they have been on, it would be great if we could add them to the website. The easiest way is to hand Martin a USB pendrive or a CD at signups. All materials will be returned ASAP.
For more information please email webmaster{at}
The new committee was elected on Shrove Tuesday and lead their first walk last weekend.
Chairman: Alex Herridge - moving up from Webmaster in the time honoured tradition.
Vice Chair: Aaron Jones - Chief of the Jones tribe.
Treasurer: Chris Laidler - retiring as Chair, but refusing to lose his grip on the club, is now in charge of our finances.
Secretary: Greg Jones - already building a reputation for doing silly things.
Publicity Secretary: Jack Jones - we shall look forward to his regular inbox-filling emails.
Social Secretary: Elle Richardson - keeping the club active during the week.
Webmaster: Martin Lilley - the new face behind the website. Please hand me all
of your photos!
The Club has a Facebook Group which any budding Swansea Hiker can join! See you there!
Our AGM is fast approaching, so if you want to stand for a committee position next year, get those nominations in! We would also encourage as many members as possibleto attend becuase this is your best chance to raise any concerns and decide how the club is run for the next year by voting! Details of time and venue will be circulated via email.
T-shirts: the perfect way to proudly display your club pride! Something to collect every year, an essential purchase for exchange students too! We now have a design and you can now order your T-shirt from sign ups. Available in red or blue, the design will be available to see when you order. The deadline will be the AGM.
Happy New Year! Welcome back to everyone, we all hope that exams have gone well! This term's walks calendar is up and the social calendar will follow shortly.
Details of our AGM will be circulated via email in the near future, so watch those inboxes!
P.S. If anyone has T-shirt designs could they please get them to the a member of the committee by this Sunday's walk at the latest.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year all ou hikers out there!! 2007 should be another great year (the Summer trips to Snowdon and Austria being the obvious highlights). The Committee look forward to seeing everyone after the holiday.
A bit of advance notice, don't forget the AGM in late February. Start thinking about committee positions you might like to stand for or just ask us what it's like!
And one last thing... While you are all at home, we still need a design for this year's club t-shirt!! When you are bored of revising for your exams, just gaze out of the window or watch a webcam in a nice mountainous area and look for inspiration! The chosen designer gets a free T-shirt, so there's all to draw for :-)
It's that time again, the highlight of our social calendar: THE Christmas Ball on Monday 11th December. A must for all hikers, social or otherwise! Check out last year's photos for a little more convincing! This year will be at the Oxwich Bay Hotel again, so black tie and ball gown! The menu looks gooood as well: 3 course meal, a free glass of wine and coffee. To follow, there will be a cheesy disco. We are joined this year by Archery and SSWIGS. If you only come to one social this year (and we all hope you will be convinced and come to more!), make it this one!!