My Thoughts

You are a four-sided die, a d4. Otherwise known as a tetrahedron, a "Caltrop", or (to a lesser degree) "Ol' Pointy". This crap bores you, so I'll get to the point. Others tend to see you as petty, conniving, manipulative, argumentative, defensive, greedy, and needlessly antagonistic. You see yourself as focused, effective, efficient, influencing, shrewd, tactical, and direct. Both points of view are in fact correct. You always know the best way to get things done, a fact that never wins sympathy with others. Whenever you manage to gain control of a situation, your solutions are swift and brutal. Unfortunately everyone else is convinced that granting you such power is, "a bad thing" and often conspire to keep it out of your hands. Such short-sighted fools!

[ Entry posted at: Thu 22 Mar 2007 17:28:42 GMT | Comments: 0 | Cat: Philosophical ]

We believe that all the main physics principles can be explained away by the existence of tiny gnomes.

Inside cables there are hundreds of tiny gnomes 'high-fiving' each other and running around swapping messages. This transfer of messages allows things to work, e.g. the gnomes in a plug socket tell the gnomes in the wire, who eventually tell the gnomes in (say) a kettle to fart in the water allowing it to boil.

Computers are run by tiny gnomes. They do all the work sat at tiny desks inside your PC. When you turn it off they can all go home and have a rest before they are needed again. The screen is in fact an arrangement of gnomes wearing different colour hats.

Atoms are infact miniscule gnomes, all holding hands and feet etc together to form an intricate web from which nearly everything in this universe is comprised of. Radioactivity occurs when a rebel gnome is catapaulted by his freinds from their structure. Should this gnome come into contact with the gnomes from our body, he will offer them beer, thus making the local area benign or 'cancerous'.

A solid is a closely compacted arrangement of gnomes, all holding hands, hats and legs. Heating (see Energy) causes the gnomes to becoming exited (or 'tickled'). This means they start to lose a grip on their neighbours; thus becoming a liquid. When the gnomes become tickled 'pink' they just can no longer hold on and float away (in groups upwards of one) becoming a 'Gas'.

As we are all well aware gnomes like the ground. They all strive to be in the ground, and this is where the basic theory for gravity comes from. Gnomes throw tiny (obviously unseen to the human eye) ropes to the ground. These ropes attach to unseen hooks allowing the gnomes to pull themsleves towards the ground. There is minimal gravity away from bodies (e.g. in space) because very few gnomes have long enough ropes. All bodies have a gravitional attraction to each other because gnomes are sociable creatures and enjoy large gatherings.

If you think about it, its quite obvious really. The gnomes that make up our eyes can see what colour other gnomes making up, say a table, are wearing. They then hi-five gnomes in our 'optical nerve' who run to tell the brain gnomes what has been seen. This makes us think we are seeing things when infact it is all gnomes.

Now this is a little more complicated. There are evil gnomes. These make up anti-matter. Done.

All types of energy are trasferred through gnomes. Heat is just gnomes rubbing other gnomes. Potential energy is when gnomes dont want to be seperated (see 'Gravity'). Kinetic energy is the movement of gnomes. Energy is allways conserved so fundamental gnomes (see below) are only ever transfered and never made or destroyed.

So what are gnomes made up of themselves? They are surely not fundamental? They are comprised of billions of even smaller gnomes. These smaller gnomes are known as 'Super-gnomes'. Super-gnomes are made up of billions of even smaller gnomes known as 'Hyper-Gnomes'. Hyper-gnomes are the fundamental building block of everything.

Now that we have covered the basics of gnome theory we are going to discuss and 'explain away' certain physical phenomena.

Aurora Borealis/Australis (Northern/Southern Lights):
Having seen the principles concerning light in gnome theory this northern spectacle can now be explained. Gnomes become blind when they stay too long with the gnomes in the sun (because their clothing is really bright). They thus tend to get lost when the sun gnomes let go of them. Some of these blind gnomes accidently attach their ropes to earth, and are thus pulled towards it (see Gravity). When they reach the gnomes in the upper 'atmosphere' of the earth they realise that they're not the only gnomes in the universe and so have a tiny party/celebration. During this festive time the gatherings round the north and south of the earth have access to changes of clothes (e.g. from Santa). They take advantage of this wardrobe and the changing of clothes makes us perceive a colourful oscillating light in the sky.

Mobile Phones:
'Scientists' may try and fool you with talk of 'waves', but please dont believe these distacting and frankly stupid theories. Mobile phones are built (by gnomes) to incorporate a gnome catapault. These devices are worked by gnomes in your mobile phone (which coincidently is made up of gnomes) to fire their gnome freinds upwards when you place a call. The gnomes are fired into space where they land on 'satilites' (also made of gnomes). The gnome satillites then catapault seperate gnomes to the mobile you are trying to contact (if you are attempting to 'connect' with a land line the gnomes are fired at a landing station where they run and hi-five down wires to the other phone reciever). When the gnomes reach the reciever you are connecting with there is an exchange of messages, hi-fives and presents (the unwrapping is the crackle you hear). More catapaulting occurs back to the satilite and then to your phone. This process continues so that what you say is 'transmitted' to the other phone and vice-versa (the process is VERY quick, as these gnomes travel at the speed of light-gnomes). A call 'breaks up' or has no 'signal' when the presents exchanged are so good the gnomes dont bother coming back, but just sit and play.

Gnomes make up everything, including food. When we eat, say, a sandwich the gnomes making up the sandwich are digested and travel to our stomach. The stomach gnomes are so pleased to see other gnomes that a party soon gets underway (when you eat too quickly the party gets out of hand very quickly thus causing indigestion). The party is of course a wild affair, and the beer flows free while the gnomes party hard. The morning after (which in human time is only like 4-6 hours) the clean up begins. The stomach gnomes collect up the rubbish in bin bags. Intestine gnomes (the bin-men of the human body) collect up these bags and take them through the intestine to the... well im sure you can guess. The bum gnomes then drop these bags of rubbish out of the body (known as a landfill). Different varieties of foods are of course different nationalities of gnomes. Spicy food are Asian gnomes. Beacuse these gnomes party particularly hard the morning after is particularly bad. They also like to smoke, which is why humans feel 'gaseous effects' after a rather spicy meal.

Gnome food:
Gnomes also need to eat and drink and it can be easily extrapolated from gnomes theory how this occurs. The gnome digestion process occurs as described above but their food is made up of super-gnomes, who party in their stomachs. Of course, super-gnomes are also hungry entities and eat food made up of hyper-gnomes. Due to the fact thay hyper-gnomes are fundamental and can't be broken down into anything smaller they do not need to eat or drink.

As all things are made of gnomes, it follows that even alcohol is made of gnomes. These are without doubt the rowdiest of all gnomes (except anti-gnomes). Alcohol gnomes divide into several groups. The first type look kindly and loving (which they indeed are) but have a stupendous sense of humour and love to play practical jokes. They will quickly travel to the brain gnomes upon arrival in the body and will wreak havoc with the head region; taking other gnomes clothes while they are in the shower, throwing eggs at nearby gnomes and the like. This causes the brain gnomes to become distracted, so the body doesnt work as efficiently as normal running. The senses become distorted (e.g. vision) and the human seems to think they are invincible, and the other sex is more attractive. Wine is mostly made up of these gnomes and Females are particularly succeptable to this type. The next type are Beer (subdivided into Ale and lager subspecies) gnomes. These gnomes produce similar effets to the wine gnomes (especially if mixed - gnomes love to party) but through different methods. These gnomes (instead of being fun loving) are dangerous and enjoy getting in fights. They will provoke and cause violence against the gnomes in your brain, and swear loudly. They will push over desks and generally cause havoc. This is again why your senses become distorted etc. The last type of alcahol gnomes are 'spirit' gnomes (who are NOT supernatural). These type of gnomes are really sneaky and cunning. They can very quickly (for they are quite strong and obviously quick) infiltrate the gnome office of the brain and begin to sneakily alter the brain gnomes work. They will send fake emails (to the amusmant of the wine gnomes), cause brain gnomes to work on useless tasks and generally ensure the brain gnomes cannot do there job. These again cause ill effects to your bodies ability to work (normally).

[ Entry posted at: Sun 18 Mar 2007 17:42:43 GMT | Comments: 0 | Cat: Philosophical ]

I dunno if this will Transfer but here it goes.




If anyones wondering why the forums are down, we are changing servers.


Ive never heard anything discussed on that Mace Windu battalion thing, I dont think it was on the unit list, though it would be a very easy unit to do.




Although I hate that "It will be free-release when its out" its only fair, and I am not going to argue with bryant becasue, well take a hard look at my sig.

I think Ia 2 did allow x3rox to use some of their models, but why not us!


Admiral Antilles

they havent let anyone use there models guys so why would they now

maybe bryant help with some modeling or evill *wats his name* so that would be why there models are similar



Antilles his name is EvilleJedi, not a hard name to remember.

Shack, atleast they don't go namen their mod [rap!

You have to realize that this is not done by some ordinary mod team, this is done by people who know Mike.Nl and are veterans of modding.



id laugh my head off if they released a 2.0 of this mod



No, I think CLONECOMMANDER501 is right, I think they let zerox use some models.



yep he did let z3rox use some of the models check the credits in the readme



That was a special case.



Special case here, special case there...yada yada.



The reason they let LoW and z3r0x use some models is due to the fact that we are all Old friends. LoW and IA2 have been "Close" for nigh on 1.5 years now.

D-O-G] Wardog

they say it will be out by the end of the winter



Or by the end of the century!




Originally Posted by Foshjedi2004 View Post

The reason they let LoW and z3r0x use some models is due to the fact that we are all Old friends. LoW and IA2 have been "Close" for nigh on 1.5 years now.

You know, it was things like this that caused World War I in the first place; and I'm pretty sure someone will say Franz Ferdinand's assassination was what caused it, but conditions were already ripe for the War, and anything could have sparked it. So Franz Ferdinand is out.




Originally Posted by Gorbeh View Post

You know, it was things like this that caused World War I in the first place; and I'm pretty sure someone will say Franz Ferdinand's assassination was what caused it, but conditions were already ripe for the War, and anything could have sparked it. So Franz Ferdinand is out.

Ohh cry me a river. I think you want to get banned. Don't you have a mod to build?



Gorbeh. Legacy of War was formed by Burning Terror & Bryant (both of IA2), Juggernaut1985 (formerly of IA2) and DK_Viceroy.

JFYI. Its nothing like WWI.






You can forget about LOW"s/IA 2's models, I know modelers that eat Swgbex for breaksfast.

If IA 2 is going to give their models to z3rox they have to be fair and give it to everyone. The rule says "models are fre release upon the mod's release", last time I checked it wasn't "models are fre release upon the mod's release except z3rox because he knows fosh." Do you want me to do that AOTC's models?



It was One Model... The Gunboat, and that was initially to LoW NOT to z3r0x. z3r0x then was given permission from LoW to use in his mods as long as he credited IA2.



Yes, well here is the thing: it might be just one model, but at what point of accepting one exception does one finally come to realize that the one exception undoubtably was one exception too many?


Darth Arbiter

Apparently when a bunch of people start thinking that it entitles them to all of IA2's models, rather than doing work themselves?



Actually the gunboat was done by major payne for ia2, bryant also gave me the n1 to use and the improved dread... Model done by low skin re done by ia2 and swgbex. Really this whole debate is lame and sad. Yes I'm friends with arbiter and bryant and swgbex, and fosh. So what... I can't have friends? Friends can't help each other? They help me so that means they must now help you all? Ohh give me a break. Clone commander.. Your wrong... And stealing from scifi meshes does not mean your modeler is better. Good luck getting a 180k poly unit into the game. Pz



Your mistaken, that is clonewars Era mod. I am with Attack of the Clones.



Hello Everyone!

My Email is Bryant[dot]Malaski[at] I hope to here from you all soon and your ideas of how we can all be happy! Also, last time I checked, LoW/zer0x helped me out, I helped them, friends and whatnot do that.



Does Ideas mean units that we want in?


Admiral Antilles

ya what does it mean..



ideas means your ideas for why you should get the models



bryant expect an email very soon



They've probably already made up their mind and are doing this just for public relations.



Face it, he won't give us squat.



Well, you haven't done anything for him.... He has no reason to give you anything to be honest.



Rules are Rules. Thats like being a guard at a top secret military base but letting your best friend in



His team made those models, he can do what he wants with them.



"The relation between the factions are disturbing..."

My favorite quote from RC!

Oh, don't say I didn't help them, I offered Bryant help but he refused it.



i would like to say cant you make a beta of what models and xml and stuff that you have .that is making me mad i would like to play this mod


Darth Arbiter


Originally Posted by CLONECOMMANDER501 View Post

"The relation between the factions are disturbing..."

My favorite quote from RC!

Oh, don't say I didn't help them, I offered Bryant help but he refused it.

So? Offering help is different from actually helping. He didn't accept your help so he owes you absolutely nothing. By the way, where are those rules you mentioned about people who give their friends models must give them to everyone? I must have missed that day in mod school.

Deleted Post


You must of also missed that day of manners and behavior. The reason he refused is because a lot of you mod leaders have ego's so big not even winrar would be able to compress it.


Darth Arbiter

Actually, you may have noticed that I have never actually said anything to insult you, or your mod. I have stated my opinion, nothing more. The closest thing I have said to an insult is " Apparently when a bunch of people start thinking that it entitles them to all of IA2's models, rather than doing work themselves?" which is what people would be doing by getting the models. Avoiding doing more work. If you would like to continue this discussion (with me, I obviously don't speak for IA2) contact me by PM so we don't hijaak their thread any more than we already have. Sorry about that.




Originally Posted by DarthArbiter View Post

His team made those models, he can do what he wants with them.

Technically, whoever made the models should be able to decide what to do with them. Bryant has no control over who can and cannot use them if he did not make them. The modeller has the right to deny use to anyone, even Bryant himself; so we should be asking EvilleJedi instead.


Originally Posted by DarthArbiter View Post

So? Offering help is different from actually helping. He didn't accept your help so he owes you absolutely nothing. By the way, where are those rules you mentioned about people who give their friends models must give them to everyone? I must have missed that day in mod school.

Yes, well he could deny everyone's help and owe everyone nothing; of course if he did that he would look nothing more than an arrogant elitist. The thing is, why deny help? I mean if someone is volunteering their time and efforts to help out, why deny it? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. How often do you see people turning away volunteers? I swear there is always this one little elite group of power hogs, who see fit to do whatever they want, regardless of the consequences. We have learned from history that this doesn't work; it is called monarchy and nobility. No one uses these anymore; people will say "But England has monarchs" but they don't, not in the sense of a ruler with absolute authority. The English Royalty is just a handful of people with a title and money, who lost real power long ago.

Maybe if IA2 had let people help, Clone Wars mods wouldn't be appearing like hamsters. The fact remains, if everyone wants the same thing, why form several different groups trying to accomplish exactly the same thing? It is a waste of effort, time, and resources; and often time is detrimental to both mods as they are focusing on competition instead of improving the mod. Not to mention if one mod already has certain resources, they are only showing their foolishness and immaturity by not sharing it with the community. It is a waste of time and effort if three different people make three different models of exactly the same thing, or if someone already has something but won't share it, so another team has to make the same thing. Why don't they pool their resources and make three models of different things? Things work far more efficiently that way; this civil war that has been going on for months is tearing apart the community. Hoarding is killing us.

I beg everyone, please let go of your personal vendettas and egocentric attitudes, progress is not made from strife, but from collaboration. I am only trying to heal what damage has occurred and prevent anymore from occuring, but alas, in my struggles I seem to have made things worse. I apologize for any damage I may have caused, but I will not surrender until things are made right, and people leave their restricted perspectives, and actually help out. I assure you, any damage I have caused is insignificant to the scarring that will occur if these conflicts continue. Is it my fault that I am trying to help every stupid ape, blundering about on top of this planet? Imagine dying of hunger or disease right now. That is what is happening to countless people as you read this because arrogant fools are too self-indulgent to help others out. That is what will happen to this community if this hostility persists.



IA2, as im sure most mods do, have something that you agree to upon joining the team. They basically state that any content done for the mod, will be property of the mod, unless otherwise agreed upon. And EvilleJedi has not modelled all of IA2's models.



Unless there is a legal contract, as in the agreement has signatures, the modeller has right to whatever he or she models. And I only used EvilleJedi as an example because he has done alot of IA2's models.



Ohh for christs sake give it up already Gorbeh. Your one to talk..Your little speech amused me greatly, considering you have done nothing but insult my mod and other peoples mods. Now you come here and demand MY friend give you models because he let me use some units? How freaking ironic. Its Bryants mod. He may give models to WHOMEVER he chooses. Now, tbh since no one really gives a rats ass about your mod nor do you have anything to offer them or him I doubt very much you will get anything out of him. Since you and sone others have taken his mods thread and turned into a whine fest over your lack of him just giving away his teams hardwork for nothing..I really do believe the chance of you getting anything from Bryant or his team is about as likely as pigs flying.



"considering you have done nothing but insult my mod and other peoples mods."



He does have a right to be mad at you, just look under your name.



can we get back on topic



I would love too.

I just want you to know, Bryant, I have no grudge against you. My grudge is against z3r0x. And I also want you to know that I did not start AOTC and we have a different focus on the clonewars, I do NOT want to compete.

I was just wondering, you know how unit's models can change depending on environment? How are you going to apply that to the clones?



Ohh you mean the small circle of kids YOU talk to.. Sorry, Im not bending over backwards to help others... I release a useful tool for MODDERS and he flames me. Ya, I'm kind of a jerk.. and I freely admit it. My time is valuable and I dont have time to be buddy with buddy with people wasting my time. Nor do I have time for fanboys spamming me with messages about whats going to be in this mod or that..

I insult mods? O rly? WHERE... I may have slammed AGD a few times as it deserves all the flames it gets. Most of the more seasoned people here will tell you I have either worked ON or gave things to MANY mods out there. So get your facts straight. You 2 have now successfully hijacked Ia2's thread over some models.



I am trying to be the civil one, and you insulted WiP.
"FoC Addon > WiP"



Ohh you like that? I think its great...



Fosh, your his friend, please tell him to calm down.



ROFLMAO.. CC501 I am calm.. I'm enjoying the hell out of this. Only person getting thier panties in a bunch is you.



Great, lets enjoy this in private, shall we?

Alright clone17, you know the drill!



The only drill CT17 knows is the one where he claims models from sci-fi meshes are his.
I aint gonna chat with you in private you little twerp.



Bryant, Fosh, anyone please tell him to stop it.

You do not understand the power clone has. He has a modeler that produces models that could only be toppled by IA2's. He is trying to lower the poly count on the ones he got off the site so stop it with the "pirating" accusation because it's false.


Darth Arbiter

CC, it clearly says on his site that those pics are of things that will be in his mod, those are also renders taken directly from sc-fi meshes... That much is true at the very least.



Stop What? You two OWE IA2 and Bryant a apology... Period. You jacked this thread with whining over models you cant have.. and Since Swgbex does NOT model I find that last statement hilarious. You have no clue what you are talking about.




I do not owe Ia2 an apology you owe me and apology, you spent an entire page flaming at me when I tried to stay on topic but you tried to prvoke me. You also owe Gorbeh an apology for this:FoC Addon > WiP
Look at yourself, you are starting to become like the power hungry mod leader I talked about in the last page. No one, wants to put up with your attitude.




wth are you talking about? Did you not take your meds? Power hungry? OMFG....h4x. You are out of your mind. Look I dont owe you or your pal a apology. Also, this whole thing started when you and Gorbeh demanded models from IA2. When Fosh explained WHY he gave models.. that was not good enough. So, Bryant posted why, and that still was not good enough. You 2 still kept the BS going. I dont give a crap about you or wip..I just think my lil title is funny. Cant you take a joke? I guess not.

Ohh this is the PM dipstick up here sends me..



Originally Posted by CLONECOMMANDER501

I am just trying to get my point across as best as I can and without any uncivil slurs. I am sick of your attitude and one day it will get you banned and your "friends" won't even be able to help you. I could care less if your Bryant's or Fosh's friends, YOU DON'T SCARE ME. I bet you had your pet fosh ban SDR because you where afraid he would beat your mod.

I dont scare you? ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is SDR?

Kid.. please take your Ritalin and go to bed.


Kalo Shin

Oh shut up commander, Both of you, i agree with zero you are childish shit's who want nothing more than free handouts, Wouldnt be suprised if you lied saying your black and want freedom from your persecution, Seen that way to many times Fallast is the only guy who ive not seen bring that up.


Admiral Antilles

i thk fosh should step in now.



Well I did message him earlier about all this... Im still rofling over the "Pet" comment.. I'm sure he will be amused also.



Make sure he deletes...well.... that entire page....



ok i wish to get my 2 cents in before this is deleted...


All you kiddies from a lot of these knock off mods are well....stupid. I say this because well it seems every time I visit this forum you are always spamming other mods threads about your mod, some times its very subtle while other times its pure spam. i come to the conclusion from that, that you are, incompetent, un-intelligent, and to the point where you feel that there is no such thing as inferiority, that you think its ok to act like god. A good example is right now, you feel that you have the right to take models of other mods, in fact you feel that it is the other mods only purpose is to kill there own mod so yours can finish a little faster. You also think its ok to take content from other sources and pass them as your own, when in fact you spend 20 minutes converting the content while the creator spent hours perhaps days and weeks making it so perfect. And yet you guys just expect those 20 minutes to be balanced with the days/weeks of work? most of the mods begging for free content are 3rd generation mods, and I have noticed that most of the people in charge of the 3rd gen mods don’t really care about the community, about another mod. They just want to take the fast track and get there "fame". The reason why mods don’t hand out there content like candy is, they don’t want to remove there originality, there thing that makes them completely different from the next mod. I don’t let any one use my mods content because I wish to promote self reliance, hard work, and learn to do it your self. I know that seems harsh but the person who made that model, had to learn to.

Personally I think a lot of you kiddies are really immature. i am one of the younger people in this community, 14, started my mod at 13, and yet some people thought I was in my 20's(I’m not kidding). So perhaps clonecommander, CT17, gorbeh, and lots of other people should just grow up. Learn self reliance, because in the real world there isn’t some body holding your hand, so why should we do that here? And greed is a blessing, with out greed there is no motive, with out motive there is no product, with out product there is no community. And besides the only greed around here are the high quality mods being greedy in perfecting there models….some greed…

Sorry about any grammar errors, I’m tired….had a ct scan today and the IV (thing they stick in your arm to pump fluids into your body) thing made me kind of drowsy…

this is simply what is on my mind and is not affiliated in any way with any one else or mod.



Well said.....



Agree'd, Its all about you guys.



Alright. I'm breaking my vow to never go back to these forums, but this is just a really important topic and an example of what the community has gone down to.

Firstly, I'd like to say that it's not very sensible to bother IA 2 to get its excellent work. Why? Well let's see... I wonder what a good amount of those homeless bums in the
United States do. In one case, they were offered jobs, lodging, food, and benefits. What did they do? They turned this offer down because they claim that they "already have a job"

Second, these Warlord conversions aren't very difficult to do. A reason why I stopped rigging these was it would just encourage these lazy bums to not learn how to model, UV map, skin, and rig these darn model themselves.

FoC Addon > WiP? Come on... People can't state their favorite mod or their opinion?


Originally Posted by Gorbeh

Technically, whoever made the models should be able to decide what to do with them. Bryant has no control over who can and cannot use them if he did not make them. The modeller has the right to deny use to anyone, even Bryant himself; so we should be asking EvilleJedi instead.


Originally Posted by IA 2 Site

All work (including concepts, skins, models, and code) that is submitted to Imperial Assault becomes the property of Imperial Assault unless agreed upon with Edan Dover or Bryant Malaski otherwise.


Maybe if IA2 had let people help, Clone Wars mods wouldn't be appearing like hamsters. The fact remains, if everyone wants the same thing, why form several different groups trying to accomplish exactly the same thing? It is a waste of effort, time, and resources; and often time is detrimental to both mods as they are focusing on competition instead of improving the mod. Not to mention if one mod already has certain resources, they are only showing their foolishness and immaturity by not sharing it with the community.

You're thinking like a Communist, sounds wonderful in theory, but utterly useless in practice.

And I'm sure IA 2 needs 500 idea people on their staff who all use 1337-speak.

Taking models from Sci Fi meshes is really gonna help...crash you computer and your reputation for being so foolish and retarded to the extent that you would do that.

I wish you people would just shove off and stop with this begging and righteous attitudes. This won't get the community anywhere. You know what will? Stop playing around with mod politics and get back to Max, Photoshop, Notepad, the Map Editor, etc.


You know what caused me to come to this resolution to abandon you guys? All these model requests, new mods that plan on adding 10000 units with nothing to show, and you people thinking that my whole purpose in life is to make the models for every single mod in the community. I was just trying to help, and now look what it's caused. *sigh* Lifeboat ethics strike again!



I just wanted to say that this really drags the community down with all of this non-sense. I say leave IA2 thread alone for updates to their mod and drops this garbage. If you are looking for models and stuff try doing some research and find the right stuff to do it yourself and then get to work instead of wasting time and people's threads. You might find people willing to help with questions about modeling then just giving you models for free, they did the work why can't you hmm just a thought.

Anyways I was wondering if there is an update on this mod coming soon? just so we can see how the progress is coming along.



Again well said...




Originally Posted by z3r0x View Post

Ohh for christs sake give it up already Gorbeh. Your one to talk..Your little speech amused me greatly, considering you have done nothing but insult my mod and other peoples mods. Now you come here and demand MY friend give you models because he let me use some units? How freaking ironic.

My little speech was a argument of logic. You are, in fact, the one who insults mods, a prime example being "FoC Addon > WiP". I never did anything like that. And I don't want IA2's models. I want equity, I want others to be able to use them. I don't want people hoarding things like rats. I don't care if he denies me the rights to use them, as long as other people can, being a martyr is a small price.


Now, tbh since no one really gives a rats ass about your mod nor do you have anything to offer them or him I doubt very much you will get anything out of him. Since you and sone others have taken his mods thread and turned into a whine fest over your lack of him just giving away his teams hardwork for nothing..I really do believe the chance of you getting anything from Bryant or his team is about as likely as pigs flying.

Wow! Zerox is a mind reader! He read everyones mind to try and guess what they think about my mod, well I don't care if you can read minds in your own fantasy world, but this is reality, and you can't, so stop pretending! I'm pretty sure there would be people upset if I were to cancel WiP. Also, who is doing the whining? I am presenting an argument from a perspective of logic, not throwing a tantrum like some people I know. Also, I'm not the one with IA2 models in my mod, so I'm not the one wasting their hardwork. And by the way, I'm pretty sure I could get a pig to fly.


Originally Posted by z3r0x View Post

Ya, I'm kind of a jerk.. and I freely admit it.

Glad to hear you finally admit it.


I insult mods? O rly? WHERE... I may have slammed AGD a few times as it deserves all the flames it gets. Most of the more seasoned people here will tell you I have either worked ON or gave things to MANY mods out there. So get your facts straight. You 2 have now successfully hijacked Ia2's thread over some models.

Is anyone thinking "oh boy, he's mister contradicto"? I mean he asks for examples of him insulting mods, and then he goes and confesses to a transgression that he earlier condemns. And I'm pretty sure "FoC Addon > WiP" is meant as an insult, but really I see it as a testament to your own sadistic and hypocritical nature. And really I haven't hijacked anything, Bryant asked for people to express their opinion, which is what I did. Now is it my fault that people threw a tantrum over my response? Nope, it was within my right to post that, so it would be the fault of whatever blood-thirsty tyrant that decided to attack it.


Originally Posted by z3r0x View Post

Ohh you like that? I think its great...

Me too, I love it. It is an inherent manifestation of your own corruption. See if I was malevolent I would say something like "my dog > zerox", but since that is only a rhetorical situation, I can only attempt to imagine what it would be.


Originally Posted by z3r0x View Post

ROFLMAO.. CC501 I am calm.. I'm enjoying the hell out of this. Only person getting thier panties in a bunch is you.

You calm! Read your posts. And your are enjoying it, something keeps telling me "sadist" in that. And by the way, I wear boxers, and for you to think I wear panties is pedophilic, and along with your age, especially when grouped with people 10-20 years old, along with your avatar on that one sight, something is screaming "pedophile"


Originally Posted by z3r0x View Post

Stop What? You two OWE IA2 and Bryant a apology... Period. You jacked this thread with whining over models you cant have.. and Since Swgbex does NOT model I find that last statement hilarious. You have no clue what you are talking about.

I owe nothing. You were the one who jacked it. And I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about, as I'm not the one that says one thing, and totally contradicts myself in the next sentence. Also, it seems they have already made up their mind about sharing models as I had predicted, as evidenced by his statement of "models you cant have".


Originally Posted by z3r0x View Post


wth are you talking about? Did you not take your meds? Power hungry? OMFG....h4x. You are out of your mind. Look I dont owe you or your pal a apology. Also, this whole thing started when you and Gorbeh demanded models from IA2. When Fosh explained WHY he gave models.. that was not good enough. So, Bryant posted why, and that still was not good enough. You 2 still kept the BS going. I dont give a crap about you or wip..I just think my lil title is funny. Cant you take a joke? I guess not.

Ohh this is the PM dipstick up here sends me..

I dont scare you? ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is SDR?

Kid.. please take your Ritalin and go to bed.

Again with the mind reading thing, he thinks I take or need meds. Also, we both have attempted to resolve this peacefully, but some idiot has to go about rekindling extinguished fires.


Originally Posted by Kalo Shin View Post

Oh shut up commander, Both of you, i agree with zero you are childish shit's who want nothing more than free handouts, Wouldnt be suprised if you lied saying your black and want freedom from your persecution, Seen that way to many times Fallast is the only guy who ive not seen bring that up.

And I was enjoying your absence. And actually I am black, so shut the hell up, you know nothing, so don't speak until you do.


Originally Posted by EAWFAN AOSW View Post

All you kiddies from a lot of these knock off mods are well....stupid. I say this because well it seems every time I visit this forum you are always spamming other mods threads about your mod, some times its very subtle while other times its pure spam. i come to the conclusion from that, that you are, incompetent, un-intelligent, and to the point where you feel that there is no such thing as inferiority, that you think its ok to act like god. A good example is right now, you feel that you have the right to take models of other mods, in fact you feel that it is the other mods only purpose is to kill there own mod so yours can finish a little faster. You also think its ok to take content from other sources and pass them as your own, when in fact you spend 20 minutes converting the content while the creator spent hours perhaps days and weeks making it so perfect. And yet you guys just expect those 20 minutes to be balanced with the days/weeks of work?

What is up with these wannabe mind readers? By the way, I am top of my class, have a GPA of 4.3, and could graduate in my sophomore year if I wanted to, scored better than 80% of seniors in my fresman year on ACT and SAT, I get about 15 letters a day from universities, begging to recruit me, and have been taking classes at the local university since my fresman year, so calling me unintelligent is, well unintelligent. I have gone and am going to DC for several leadership conferences, and am president of several leadership groups. Age means nothing in terms of skill.


most of the mods begging for free content are 3rd generation mods, and I have noticed that most of the people in charge of the 3rd gen mods don’t really care about the community, about another mod. They just want to take the fast track and get there "fame". The reason why mods don’t hand out there content like candy is, they don’t want to remove there originality, there thing that makes them completely different from the next mod.

I'm not sure what you mean by 3rd gen, but I'm sure it was directed at me. And saying I don't care about the community, I have given several mods my Nar Shaddaa map, I released a grid that makes it easier to plot planets on the GC map, I have offered several mods use of my Lando skin when it was fixed, which by the way it has, and until WiP kicked off, I was coding and mapping for five mods. If this isn't help, then what is?


I don’t let any one use my mods content because I wish to promote self reliance, hard work, and learn to do it your self. I know that seems harsh but the person who made that model, had to learn to.

You would really fit in with the dictators of old.


And greed is a blessing, with out greed there is no motive, with out motive there is no product, with out product there is no community. And besides the only greed around here are the high quality mods being greedy in perfecting there models….some greed…

Greed a blessing? What sad rock did you crawl from? Billions of people have died because of greed, innocent people; wars fought over riches, men killing their own brothers and children to satisfy greed's abyssal maw. Greed is no blessing, and to think so is psychopathic.

Anyway, I apologize for continuing, after having already summed everything up, and attempted to make peace, a torrent of calumnies came my way, and I was forced to defend myself. I hold no grudges against IA2, and merely wish for the best course of action concerning the welfare of the modding community. It is not my fault if certain wrathful individuals wish to attack me.



*wishs fosh was here*

this is way out of control..



Ohhh...... Now its on skiddie.


My little speech was a argument of logic. You are, in fact, the one who insults mods, a prime example being "FoC Addon > WiP". I never did anything like that. And I don't want IA2's models. I want equity, I want others to be able to use them. I don't want people hoarding things like rats. I don't care if he denies me the rights to use them, as long as other people can, being a martyr is a small price.

That IS a joke. I guess your 4.3 grade point average cant give you a sense of humor. So you dont care about your mod? Your creating page long threads for the community? Pardon me if I find that hard to believe.


Wow! Zerox is a mind reader! He read everyones mind to try and guess what they think about my mod, well I don't care if you can read minds in your own fantasy world, but this is reality, and you can't, so stop pretending! I'm pretty sure there would be people upset if I were to cancel WiP. Also, who is doing the whining? I am presenting an argument from a perspective of logic, not throwing a tantrum like some people I know. Also, I'm not the one with IA2 models in my mod, so I'm not the one wasting their hardwork. And by the way, I'm pretty sure I could get a pig to fly.

No, If I was mind reader.. I would be touring the country. What people? CC501? One person does not count as people. Someone needs to google "delusions of grandeur". Logic? Where? Call it what you want, however most of the mod team members that have read this thread have come to the conclusion that your upset that you cant have models. I'm not throwing a tantrum. I really dont like you. I think your a un-talented, under-educated smartass punk (GPA means nothing... Have a friend graduated from Yale, works as a manger at a Blockbuster... Join the club smart guy.) I'm not wasting anyones hardwork, nor did I write page long diatribes about why I should GET IA2's models. I wish you could get yourself to fly right off these forums.


Glad to hear you finally admit it.

Admit it? I'm proud of it.I have earned the right to be the way I am. Pay your dues in life kid then you can talk to me on the same level.


Is anyone thinking "oh boy, he's mister contradicto"? I mean he asks for examples of him insulting mods, and then he goes and confesses to a transgression that he earlier condemns. And I'm pretty sure "FoC Addon > WiP" is meant as an insult, but really I see it as a testament to your own sadistic and hypocritical nature. And really I haven't hijacked anything, Bryant asked for people to express their opinion, which is what I did. Now is it my fault that people threw a tantrum over my response? Nope, it was within my right to post that, so it would be the fault of whatever blood-thirsty tyrant that decided to attack it.

Mister Contradicto? Do you have a losers word of the day calender on your desk? Where do you get these wonderful comebacks from? Boy ohh boy you are raged over the "FoC Addon > WiP". Bryant did not ask for anything. In case you did not notice with your big 4.3 average that comment was dripping with sarcasm. So, we have concluded that you have no sense of humor, you overlook blatant sarcastic comments, and your raged at my forum title.


Me too, I love it. It is an inherent manifestation of your own corruption. See if I was malevolent I would say something like "my dog > zerox", but since that is only a rhetorical situation, I can only attempt to imagine what it would be.

Go for it. Please do. I'm sure I can come up with equally if not better titles to augment this one....


You calm! Read your posts. And your are enjoying it, something keeps telling me "sadist" in that. And by the way, I wear boxers, and for you to think I wear panties is pedophilic, and along with your age, especially when grouped with people 10-20 years old, along with your avatar on that one sight, something is screaming "pedophile"

I am calm. Sort of like this post here.. I am anything but mad. What is wrong with my avatar? I again see god gave you brains but not a whit of humor to go along with that dry ass personality you have.


I owe nothing. You were the one who jacked it. And I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about, as I'm not the one that says one thing, and totally contradicts myself in the next sentence. Also, it seems they have already made up their mind about sharing models as I had predicted, as evidenced by his statement of "models you cant have".

I never said you owe me anything moron. I guess you cant read either. Look up contradiction while your at it AND pedophile as you seem to toss those words around with no concept of what they mean.


Again with the mind reading thing, he thinks I take or need meds. Also, we both have attempted to resolve this peacefully, but some idiot has to go about rekindling extinguished fires.

Your a creep. I'm a jerk. I will take jerk over creep anyday of the week. You have slammed and flamed me and others oh so subtly MANY times. I have read a few of these and said nothing. Well to be honest. I am just tired of you. Do not think that myself and others have not seen it.


And I was enjoying your absence. And actually I am black, so shut the hell up, you know nothing, so don't speak until you do.

ROFL!!!!!! I could say the same to you. You must be the first in your family to use the internet. Welcome! I really dont feel like tearing apart the rest of your novel. In closing, I will say this. Many people here know who I am and what I do when I'm not modding EAW. I have the distinct feeling if you were to gain this information you would not be do inclined to run your mouth so much. So, take this as a warning. I am going to walk away from this thread. However, since I doubt Fosh will ban you, I will say this. Do not ever try and flame me again kid. You would be wise in the future to steer clear of me.



Hello, Your Wish is my Command Admiral_Antilles

I am going to say this once, and one time only.
*Note this is my OWN OPINION - In No Way does it constitute the stance of ANY OTHER PARTY*

Look at you. You are meant to be Mod Leaders. And yet you are trying to get IA2 to give you the content they have worked on for nearly 2 Years!!! Now it may just be me but In no way do any of the 3rd Gen Mods deserve it. Have you set up a Modding Website with IA2? Have you been close to the team for 2 years? WERE YOU FORMED FROM FORMER/CURRENT IA2 Members??

There is a fine line between friendly and just plain rude. That line went past when you guys started Demanding IA2 Models, or expecting to put them into your Mod. The line that was crossed has NEVER been crossed by the First and Second Gen Mods. Both these Generations have respect.

First Gen Mods: IA2, LoW, UaW, H:FO, PMD, AOS,
Second Gen Mods : DE, TR, z-A
3rd Gen Mods: The multitude of Mods going "We're going to add in all the ships and Heroes and Factions and shizzle that are in the entire of Star Wars in no Structured order"

This is going to be the last I hear of it or I WILL Delete each of your discussion threads for your Mods.



[ Entry posted at: Fri 23 Feb 2007 19:41:50 GMT | Comments: 0 | Cat: Funny ]

Ok, So I admit that to be honest this probably isn't Philosophical.  I guess I wanted somewhere that I can vent and get feedback.

Life, well thats a joke.  Look around us in the world at the moment.  Tell me that you actually like the world we live in? Climates of Fear, Climates of Racism.  There are so many problems in this world that people either ignore or just are ignorant over.

I admit this, I know nothing.  In the great scheme of things my knowledge is hardly worth a mentioning.  Anyhow...

I was reading in the newspaper the other day about the fact that the US is seemingly working on Plans to Invade Iran.

I mean c'mon.  You've messed up the region enough in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Now you want to go after Tehran?  I bet that the UK would be dragged into it as well.  Well, under this Labour Government we probably would be.   There has to be a line that we can draw that says that they have gone too far.  Its the same with global corporations.  A lot of them now are more interested in $$$ then they are anything else.  Wondering where their next million is coming from.

I've had enough with all of this.  If I had a chance I would probably try and become Prime Minister and try to get rid of all this BS.  I think that the divides we see everywhere need to be sorted out now.  We need to become more Isolationist.  Stop pushing our(the western worlds) armed forces into other countries and spend more time sorting out the division in our own countries.

This is really starting to grind my gears.  That we have people who are so pompous who can say that Global Warming is not that important.  I mean c'mon.  The world is on a conveyor belt to the shitter.  Lets just EMP the entire planet and return us to the Stone Age.  At least we wouldn't pollute as much.  To be honest so what if it means that we as a race go back thousands of years in development.  It would cause the population of the planet to start to level out and use up resources less.


 Rant over... Time to get ready for Uni.

[ Entry posted at: Wed 14 Feb 2007 08:55:14 GMT | Comments: 0 | Cat: Philosophical ]

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