Writing your own web pages

HTML in more detail

To recap on the tags we've covered so far:


There are six sizes of heading available, using the codes <h1>...</h1> to <h6>...</h6>. They appear in your web browser as follows:

Heading size 1

Heading size 2

Heading size 3

Heading size 4

Heading size 5
Heading size 6
As a general rule, anything smaller than heading size 4 is readable only with difficulty.

Text effects

The following effects are some of the basic ones available:

Other effects

We've already seen the <p> tag to give a paragraph break. <br> gives a line break (the browser doesn't print a blank line but does move on to the next line of text).

<hr> gives a horizontal rule across the page, like this:

Those three tags don't require a closing tag.

To create a list of items, use the codes <ul>...</ul> to indicate the beginning and end of the list, and <li>, with no closing tag, to denote list items (a bullet will be placed by these). You can also create embedded lists. For example, the code:

	<li>Faculty of Engineering
	<li>Faculty of Social Science
will create the following:

Inserting images

Images may be inserted into your document by using the <img> tag. The basic syntax of this tag is:

<img src="image.filename" alt="Description">

The text following alt= will be displayed if a text browser is being used, or if the user has chosen to turn images off to speed up loading of the page. It's important, then, to choose a meaningful description for the image.

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Rhys James Jones, rhys@sucs.swan.ac.uk