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How to send and receive e-mail
To send e-mail to someone, you need to know their e-mail address. This normally
consists of their username followed by the name of the computer that their
mail account is on. If you wish to mail another member of SUCS, then you
only need to type their username. If you want to e-mail someone else, then
you'll have to use the full address. If you want to send mail to someone
who's at Swansea University, then you can use the e-mail directory to look
them up.
The SUCS machines have a variety of mail packages you can use:
The most
basic is the 'mail' command. Just typing
mail will allow you to check your mail; typing
mail e-mail@address will allow you to start composing
an e-mail (where e-mail@address is the address of the person you want
to send the message to). You will be prompted for a subject. When you press
ENTER, you can start typing your message. When you have finished, press
ENTER, and put a dot ('.') on the new line. Pressing ENTER again will finish
the message, and send it.
This is a more sophisticated mail package that allows you to manage your
mail, read and reply to it and compose new messages. More details are
available by typing
man elm at the UNIX prompt.
This is another mail package, which works in a similar way to Elm, with a
text menu interface. Pine can be run by simply typing
pine at the UNIX
prompt. Online help is available within Pine.
If you want to abort sending a letter type ^C (Press Ctrl and C) twice.
If you do abort sending a letter, the mail program will put the text that you
have entered so far in a file called dead.letter which you can then either
delete (using the command rm) or keep.
Once you have finished the body of you letter, you may be prompted for further
input which may look something like CC:, if so, ignore it and press
return until you get the UNIX prompt back. For furthur information on the mail
program you can look in the online manual. Also you could try using the elm
program which may be on some of our computers and provides many more complicated
How to read e-mail
Every time you login to the computer, you will be told if there is any mail
waiting for you, if so type:
This command will respond "No Mail", if there is no mail for you or it will
allow you to read you messages. Type the message number and press return to
read the message, other commands you can do from this program include:
d Delete a message
s Save message in a file
q Quit the mail program
There are also other more complex mail programs as mentioned above, and these
can format the messages in ways that are easier to use. Find out about "elm" and
"pine" if you are interested in this.
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Steve Whitehouse /